Traffic Ticket Attorney

Received a Ticket in Sutton County? Call: 325-437-3311

Sonora, Texas is situated along Interstate 10 in Sutton County, Texas and it is a traffic ticket hotspot. Our firm has handled tickets in Sutton County for more than a decade and we know what kind of result we can obtain for every type of traffic ticket case issued there -- including tickets issued to CDL drivers! Do not give up. We can help you with your case.

Schedule a FREE case review today by calling 325-437-3311!

We Can Help Protect Your Driving Record

Again, we know the procedures and rules associated with how tickets are handled in Sonora, Texas. Even if the Court will not offer you defensive driving or deferred adjudication because of the speed associated with your case, because you are an out-of-state driver, or because you have a CDL, we can still help.

What We Do:

  • We will give you a free consultation and tell you exactly what we think we can do for your case.
  • CDL driver? The lower court will not work with you, so we will appeal your case up to the county court.
  • Out of State driver? No problem. The court will probably not allow defensive driving but we can negotiate other options to keep the ticket off your record.
  • Construction zone? We can still help.

What You Need to Do:

  • Do not give up! Give us a call today. Once we accept your case, you can text a picture of the ticket to us and we will take it from there.
  • We offer low-cost, flat fee services with no hidden price increases.

Dedicated to the Satisfaction of Our Clients

We understand what is on the line: your future, your freedom, and your career. We are willing to fight so you don't have to. We are determined to obtain a successful case result and make sure the whole process is as stress-free as possible.